Tips & Tricks for writing better PHP code


PHP is one of the widely used Server Side Scripting Language. It’s easy to learn PHP but it’s tricky to use it correctly. Let’s see some of the tips & tricks for writing better PHP code.

Variable Validation
Consider a scenario where we have to find array count or string length of a variable and we have to handle all kinds of errors and warnings.This sounds very simple but most of the newbies can’t complete it (with my experience) because they don’t know how to write quality code.
Let’s calculate length of a string

Let’s check for array count & loop through the each values

Return type of inbuilt function
PHP comes with so much of inbuilt funtions and of course it’s important to use them but always remember their “return type”. Let’s understand this with an interview of fresher which took some days ago.
Me: Can u tell me return type of date(“Y-m-d”) ?
Fresher: String
Me: Can u tell me return type of date(“YW”) ?
Fresher: Integer
And that’s the problem, for newbies return type means what they see as output, in this case if fresher saw 2016-01-02 then return type of date was string and if it was 201601 the it is integer, which is wrong.Return type of a function never varies with the output.

Free memory
Memory is a very important aspect of any application. PHP is not so good with it’s memory management by itself but we can take care of it with some simple tips as follows:

  • Unset the values when after it’s use.
  • while running an infinite loop (like in background services) always use gc_collect_cycles, this will collect any garbage cycles, thus reducing memory

Limit memory
It’s always good practice to limit memory of a php script.Say we have to set memory limit to 100Mb then we should write is as ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ‘100M’);

Follow MVC approach
Models deals with database(s), Controller contains logic and Views contains front-end design.It is the best approach to maintain your code and separate logic with design. MVC provides a single file to handle your incoming request, which makes it very easily to handle, debug and maintain requests

Use arrays
I prefer arrays over a simple variable just because it’s easy to maintain and perform operations on array than a single variable. But don’t overuse it, just use it wisely.

I hope these tips and tricks will help you to write more robust code.

Javascript: A Practical Introduction


Javascript is one of the most trending and highly paid language in the tech industry right now.In my early days of my career, I struggled with javascript and soon realized that knowledge of implementing a slider or a plugin is not enough and I have to improve my basics to play with javascript. This article nucleus is “Practical Introduction to Javascript“.

Let’s begin with the very basic.

Window vs Document
Window: In very simple words “every tab is a window”. For example, window.close works when we close the tab.
Document: Whatever user see inside the tab is a document. For example, document.ready works when the page is fully loaded.

Alert vs Console.log
One of the worst and irritating way of checking output and debugging is “alert”. Javascript has got “console.log” function which is used to output data in the console of the browser.It has following benefits:

  • doesn’t freeze web page, it is non-blocking
  • shows very large output easily
  • easy to understand and explore insight of javascript objects

Generally, first thought comes in a fresher mind after hearing validation is form validation but here I explain you about “Variable Validation“. A variable can store form value, a random string, an array, an object or any value. Consider a scenario where we have to validate a variable and confirm that it contains some string value then the process I prefer is follows:

  • check whether the variable value is undefined or not
  • check whether the variable value is null or not
  • check for string length

Below function will solve the above problem with ease.

Array vs Object

When i take interviews, 95% of freshers don’t know the difference between javascript arrays and objects and believe me these two are the most used data type in javascript while developing fronted of any application.
Arrays can be “single dimensional only” in javascript. Eg.


Adding values to array and object

Above I explained some of the practical tips of javascript which I thought every newbie must learn to grow and hope these will be helpful for every developer thinking of learning javascript. Got any question, ask me now.

Best PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks


What are Micro Frameworks?

Before discussing which are the “Best PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks” let begin with the concept of micro-framework. Micro Frameworks is a term used to represent a small set of code and modules that are designed to do only basic tasks and functionality and at the same time they are highly extensible.These frameworks comes with less components than full stack framework but they have several libraries and patterns which are required to make a project of good quality and scalable.
Don’t think that “micro” represent for small projects, it only means “Framework bundled with less components”.

Best PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks

1. Silex

  • One of the fastest micro-framework
  • Built on top of Symphony components
  • Great documentation and community support
  • Good for large projects
  • Follows Symfony2 HTTP conditions
  • Automated functional tests

2. Slim

  • Super fast and extremely light-weight
  • Good documentation
  • Great community
  • Lots of tutorials on YouTube and on other websites
  • Lazy loading with 3rd party implementation
  • Bundled with middleware, caching, encryption of cookies

3. Lumen

  • Zero configuration
  • Excellent documentation
  • Ultra-fast micro framework
  • Good 3rd party support
  • Easily upgradable to laravel
  • Bundled with encryption, middleware, unit testing, caching,queuing and sql-nosql support

4. Phalcon

  • Blazing fast
  • Provides very high performance
  • Written in C-language
  • Compiled for better performance
  • Can handle more requests per second

5.Bullet PHP

  • Little learning
  • Unlimited flexibility
  • Flexible routing
  • Nested closure routing system

That’s all for today folks, try one of the above frameworks and do share your experience with me.